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Configurations and Profiles


The Configurations section of the Insight Webportal allows you to configure your scanner and Insight Mobile. This is done by creating configuration files, importing them into ProGlove Insight Mobile and controlling them through SDK or Intent API level functions. This feature deprecates the AutoConfig feature as it replaces its functionalities and adds more.

Difference Between a Configuration and a Profile

A configuration can have multiple profiles. The profiles in the configuration file contain specific scanner and Insight Mobile settings related to Connecttivity Settings, Device Settings, Zero-touch Firmware Update, Symbology Settings, and Workflow Rules. Using profiles, you can control Insight Mobile or scanner behavior on a use case or process step basis. Profiles are defined inside a ProGlove.proconfig file.

Using Multiple Profiles

You can use multiple profiles when you require different Insight Mobile or scanner settings at different work stations or different steps in the process. By having multiple profiles within your configuration file, you can choose to activate them through your APK whenever you need them.

Importing Configuration Files via MDM

Import the .proconfig file, downloaded from Insight Webportal, and push it to /sdcard/Android/data/de.proglove.connect/files/ProGlove.proconfig. Copying to this location usually does NOT require additional storage permissions through the MDM beforehand.

Important: Make sure your configuration file has the exact name ProGlove.proconfig.

After you send the file to the correct location, it is automatically imported by the app, even if it is already running.

Creating Configuration Files

Prerequisite: Insight Webportal account activated.

To create a configuration file:

  1. In Insight Webportal, under Manage, select Configurations.
  2. Select Create New Configuration.

3. Select the device you want to connect to Insight and select Next.

4. Under Profile Configuration, type in a unique name for your profile.

Note: You cannot name your profile initialProfile because it is reserved in the system. If you do, the system will automatically rename it to initialProfile_.

5. Under Connectivity Settings, select your Integration Path.

6. At the bottom of the page, select Save.
A modal Assign a Name for the Configuration window displays.

7. Type in the name of your configuration and select Done.
Your configuration displays in the Configurations list.

8. Select your configuration and click DOWNLOAD CONFIGURATION.
A ProGlove.proconfig file downloads to your computer.

You can transfer the file manually to your Android device or distribute it via an MDM solution.


  • The ProGlove.proconfig configuration file consists of one default profile and up to 6 custom profiles.
  • The ProGlove.proconfig configuration file is not compatible with the .pgconf file from AutoConfig.
  • The ProGlove.proconfig configuration identifies a profile with a unique profile name (ID).

Advanced Configuration Settings

When creating or modifying a configuration, you can also customize the following settings:

  1. The Select Device Settings section, allows you to customize your scanner's settings like Engine Setting, Feedback Profiles, and Sleep Mode.

2. The Symbology Settings section, lets you choose what barcode symbologies your device recognizes.

SymbologySettings 3. The Workflow Rules section, lets you set specific rules on how toto manipulate barcode data.


Adding Profiles

To add multiple profiles to your configuration:

  1. Create New Configuration or modify an existing one.
  2. At the top of the page, click Add Profile.
    A list of all profiles in the configuration displays.

3. Select the desired profile settings.
4. At the bottom of the page, select Save.

Active Profile

When using multiple profiles, the following apply:

  • Only one profile can be active at a time.
  • Only the active profile's configurations are applied.
  • When a scanner is paired, it gets configured with the scanner configurations from the active profile.
  • Only the active profile's Integration Path and Workflow Rules are executed when certain events happen (like when a new barcode is scanned or the scanner is paired).

Default Profile

The default profile is the main/fallback active profile. The selected default profile in your configuration is active when:

  • ProGlove.proconfig is added for the first time.
  • ProGlove.proconfig is changed and it does not contain a profile that matches the profile name (ID) of the currently active profile triggered by the app.

Changing Active Profile

Active profiles can be changed in two ways:

  • Using Intent/SDK (explicitly, using profile ID),
  • By reverting to the default profile when adding or changing the existing ProGlove.proconfig file.

Once set as active, the profile stays active even after ProGlove Insight Mobile or your phone restart.

After the active profile is changed successfully, ProGlove Insight Mobile configures the connected scanner with the new profile's scanner configurations. Make sure that the connected scanner has the correct firmware version that allows wireless configuration, otherwise the configuration will fail. Supported scanner firmware versions are 1.5.1 and higher.


  • Explicit activation is only successful if the profile with the specified ID exists in the configuration file. Trying to replace an active profile with a non-existing profile ID using the SDK, returns an error. When changing it via Intent, there is no possibility to return an error, as opposed to the SDK.
  • Profiles can only be changed when ProGlove Insight Mobile is running.

Adding, Changing and Removing ProGlove.proconfig File

When ProGlove.proconfig is added for the first time:

  • The default profile becomes the active profile.

When ProGlove.proconfig is changed:

  • If the new file contains a profile with the same profile name (ID) as the current active profile, that profile becomes active.
  • If the new file does not contain a profile with the same profile name (ID) as the current active profile, the default profile from the file becomes the active one.

When ProGlove.proconfig is deleted:

  • All profiles are deleted and the app is basically configured as though it was freshly installed.

Scanner Configuration Lifecycle

Scanner configuration is persistent. This means that, once the scanner is configured during the profile activation, the configuration remains on the scanner until a new profile is activated. If the scanner disconnects, the configuration from the last active profile will remain on it. If it connects again, it will be (re)configured with the configuration from the latest active profile. If another profile gets activated via Intent/SDK, it will be configured with the configuration from that profile.

Currently, when ProGlove.proconfig is added, changed, or removed, the active profile might be changed but the scanner is not reconfigured. To configure a scanner with the active profile you need to reconnect it.

Only an explicit profile activation can change the configuration on a scanner. Putting it on a charger, rebooting or connecting it with an Access Point One S will not change its configuration.

Note: Do not use a scanner with ProGlove Insight Mobile and Access Point One S in parallel.
Do not use Configuration Files and Profiles with printable pairing barcodes.