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Error event

Error event is sent when an error occurs when handling a request by the Gateway (device not found, invalid command, etc.)


Name Type Description Accepted values Constraints Required
api_version string The input API schema version number. 1.0 Yes
event_type string The message type. errors Yes
event_id string The message identifier. This can be used to reference it. Any UUID format [0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12} Yes
time_created integer The time of creation client-side, used to determine the order of incoming messages. Unix time stamp in milliseconds. Any 1546300800000 <= value <= 99999999999999 Yes
event_reference_id string The reference message identifier. Used to reference the message that caused this error. Any UUID format [0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12} No
error_severity string The severity of the error. WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL No
error_message string The full description of the error. Any 1 <= length <= 128 No
error_code string The specified error code of the error. ERROR_UNKNOWN, ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND, ERROR_TIMEOUT, ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND Yes
device_serial string The serial number of a worker device. Any 1 <= length <= 128 No
gateway_serial string The serial number of the Gateway Any 1 <= length <= 128 No

Error codes

Identifier Description
ERROR_UNKNOWN An unknown error occurred (e.g. Display Command sent to a device without display).
ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND The command is invalid (invalid JSON, invalid event_type, etc.)
ERROR_TIMEOUT Timeout on request (e.g. device did not respond on time).
ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND The device referenced by device_serial could not be found.


  "api_version": "1.0",
  "event_type": "errors",
  "event_id": "b08f316c-c7a6-48a6-8a5b-5de0b6d2eea3",
  "time_created": 1546300800000,
  "event_reference_id": "e4f0da9f-056b-49c8-80fa-af42614e150c",
  "error_severity": "ERROR",
  "error_message": "No suitable font for input string",
  "error_code": "ERROR_UNKNOWN",
  "device_serial": "MDMR000000064",
  "gateway_serial": "PGGW000000058"